Home Linux How to customize splash screen in Ubuntu

How to customize splash screen in Ubuntu


If you are already bored of the default Ubuntu bootscreen, you can simply replace it a few simple commands. We can make ourselves own bootscreen or to select from among already created.

The bootscreen files layout in Ubuntu 16 changes the location of plymouth themes from /lib/plymouth/themes to /usr/share/plymouth/themes  and so all of the theme install scripts that assumed the previous layout now install to the wrong location.

Run the following command which will not only install a number of new themes into the correct location but also will fix the now incorrect update-alternatives scheme:

sudo apt-get install plymouth-themes

Migrating old themes to the new location is simple, just move the directory as each theme is contained in a directory named after the theme

cd /lib/plymouth/themes && sudo mv <theme-directory> /usr/share/plymouth/themes

The old themes are self-referential in that the .plymouth theme file contains a reference to the directory that the theme is installed. Change these references to the correct ones (replace /lib/plymouth/themes  with /usr/share/plymouth/themes).

You can download from here:

Extract the new theme here: /usr/share/plymouth/themes
Update the theme list to make the theme list selectable:

update-alternatives --install /usr/share/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /usr/share/plymouth/themes/<theme_directory> 100

Create an update script:

mcedit /home/<username>/plymouth-frissites.sh

Include these text:


echo "Choose the number of the theme you want to use, then [ENTER]"
sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth
sudo update-initramfs -u
read -p "Do you want to test the theme? (Y/N) "
if [ "$REPLY" != "n" -a "$REPLY" != "N" ] ; then
echo "Running 10-second test..."
sudo plymouthd ; sudo plymouth --show-splash ; for ((I=0; I<10; I++)); do sleep 1 ; sudo plymouth --update=test$I ; done ; sudo plymouth --quit

Go ahead, and reboot your desktop. You should see a new custom splash screen during system startup like this: